Doshas define Our nature

Ayurveda and the Doshas

Ayurveda where “ayu” means “life” or “longevity” and “Veda” means “science” or “sacred knowledge” is one of the world's oldest holistic healing systems. It was developed more than 5,000 years ago in India. Its main goal is to promote good health.

Ayurvedic philosophy is grounded in the belief that there are five elements of nature ( Earth, fire , water, air and ether)which manifests itself in everything in different proportions.These elements are expressed as doshas in our bodies.

The Doshas

Vata (Air+Ether)

Pitta (Fire+Water)

Kapha (Earth+Water).

These doshas affect everything we do, from the food that we eat to the lifestyle choices that we make and it governs all our body functioning.When in balance, they promote good health.When out of balance, they are a cause of disease.To maintain good health, we look at striking a balance between these 3 doshas in our bodies.

Each of us has unique combinations of doshas from birth.All of us have all 3 ,but one of them is usually dominant than the other two.

Our tongue reveals our current health

Tongue Analysis

P-Nut modifies your diet based on one of the ancient tools used in Ayurveda known as “Tongue Analysis” The function of one's internal organs can be better understood by scanning the tongue.Your tongue is a mirror of your current health.

Greek physicians such as Hippocrates and Galen considered different properties of the tongue a significant indicator of health and disease. Tongue diagnosis has been perfected in the Ayurveda, Unnai, and Siddha systems. The tongue is seen in Chinese medicine as a map that corresponds to many sections of the body. Looking at the tongue . helps us to modify your diet in a way to include foods that will help you correct your current symptoms and detox your body.

Achieve Balance to Prevent Diseases

At the core of Ayurveda, it is the belief that health is a state of balance between body, mind and spirit. Each person is born unique and in balance, but our unhealthy life choices can disrupt this equilibrium, leading to disease and ill-health.

Balance reflects good health

Our bodies are designed to live a 100 years

As humans, we are designed to live up to 100 years with vitality, but often our modern lifestyle and food choices can create an imbalance that manifests as diseases. At our wellness platform, we believe that every individual is born with a unique body constitution, and it is crucial to understand and honor this constitution to achieve optimal health and longevity.

Why Most Diets Fail?

Traditional diets often rely on a one-size-fits-all approach, without considering an individual's unique body constitution, imbalances, and lifestyle. Here's how we redefine nutrition and how we are different !

WHy Most Diets fail

Generic and No information about your body

How are we Different

But ours is always Personalised

Most diets and nutrition plans are prepared with no information about your body before they prescribe you a so called “Personalized Diet”, they only take into account your preferences . We have a detailed questionnaire to understand your body and your dietary preferences, as well as tongue analysis to give us a snapshot of your body’s internal health. Based on our understanding of your body constitution and current pain points and symptoms, we will prescriblee you a diet that focuses on optimizing your internal functions to show visible benefits on your external body.

WHy Most Diets fail

Restrictive and Extreme

How are we Different

Everything in moderation is the secret

We focus on lifelong wellness, not quick fixes. Rather than just treating the symptoms , we believe in identifying and addressing the root causes of any imbalances in the body .This will enable you to get long term sustainable results and help you achieve optimal health. We also believe that diet with extreme measures is not sustainable and is aborted after a short period of time. Our goal is to make health easy and fun for you everyday and provide you with foods that can be a part of your everyday lifestyle , while slowly helping you achieve your goals.

WHy Most Diets fail

Not designed for the long term, meant only for quick, short term results

How are we Different

Sustainability at the core of everything we do

We beleive that everything is good in moderation. Most diets are focused on deprivation of certain food categories and each dietfollows their own approach. With P-Nut, do not worry we will not restrict you of ANYTHING and we will even ask you of your favorites and plan to include them in your diet in moderation. Which means you may have to cut down but nothing is a strict NO. Food is meant to be enjoyed and is central to most joyous moments of life, dinners, celebrations, dates etc - we can not ignore going out and eating however simply by understanding your body you can make informed decisions and be healthy even while cheating on your diet.

Real doctors that treat you personally

Our team of dedicated Ayurveda doctors and wellness experts personally analyse your data and help you get results that last

Dr. Deepti Gupta

Chief Ayurvedic Doctor and Applied Nutrition Expert, P-NUT Health

Dr. Kavita Choudhary

Senior Ayurvedic Doctor & Panchkarma Expert

The process

Fill the questionair

Tongue analysis using our your phone

Doctor verified, personalised health report

Call our habit coach and setp your challenge

Get your personalised report now

  • Get a complete list of foods to 'favor' and 'Avoid' in your diet.

  • Learn what time and in what proportion you should consume your meals.

  • Recommended lifestyle changes and simple home remedies for your goals